Name and address of the site: Delled
(ORG-100050021 / LOC-100088971)
, 7 Rue Jean Dixmeras, Angers, 49000, France
Human medicinal products
1.1. with a Marketing Authorisation in EEA country(s)
1.2. without a Marketing Authorisation in the EEA and intended for EEA market
2.3. Supply
2.4. Export
2.5. Other activities(s): exploitation
Any restrictions or clarifying remarks (for all users): - Exploitant (Public Health Code Article R.5124-2 3°) "Exploitation" of medicinal products other than investigational medicinal products, generators, kits and precursors (Article L.4211-1 3 °): wholesale and distribution free of charge, advertising, information, pharmacovigilance, batch follow-up and recall; may concern all or part of the medicinal products with additional requirements.
Signatory: Mrs Virginie Waysbaum, deputy director - Inspection division The ANSM does not issue hard copy of this authorisation.
Établissement exploitant (code de la santé publique art. R.5124-2 3°) Exploitation de médicaments autres que les médicaments expérimentaux, de générateurs, trousses et précurseurs (art. L.4211-1 3°) : vente en gros ou cession à titre gratuit, publicité, information, pharmacovigilance, suivi et retrait des lots ; peut concerner tout ou partie des médicaments ayant des exigences particulières.
Signataire: Mme Virginie Waysbaum, directrice adjointe - Direction de l'inspection L'ANSM ne délivre pas de copie papier de cette autorisation.
*Art 5 of Directive 2001/83/EC or Art 83 of Regulation EC/726/2004
**Without prejudice to further authorisations as may be required according to national legislation